Saturday, March 27, 2010


I was almost beside myself because I love to walk this time of the year but wind, heavy pollen and contact lenses just don't mix. Ouch! One year I lost a contact lens when pollen got in my eye. It was almost impossible to resolve to go walk indoors at the gym or the mall during this lovely spring weather! I decided to go shopping and see what kind of goggles I could find. I'm so glad I found a pair of tinted swim goggles that look like regular glasses, because the plastic around the eyes is clear. These are great because they keep all the pollen out of my eyes! Problem solved.

I've been busy in the kitchen. I made some more of my healthy brownies. I've had good self-control and have been limiting myself to two brownies a day, which is included in my daily alotted calories. I froze the brownies and some red beans and rice in single servings. I made a wonderful green salad which I ate with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

My mom trimmed my hair today. I was so glad to get it trimmed. I've been using shampoo for redheads. It covers gray but seems to be damaging my hair. The shampoo smells like hair color so it must have some of the same chemicals. At the roots my hair is salt and pepper gray and I think I'm just going to let my hair turn this color naturally by stopping using the shampoo for redheads.

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