Friday, June 26, 2009

Cleaning Can Be Fun

Today I actually enjoyed cleaning my apartment. I did some re-organizing while I was cleaning and worked for about two and a half hours. Plenty is left to be done but I'm excited to have a wonderful new attitude. Hopefully this will have such a positive affect that my whole apartment will get really cleaned well and stay in good shape. I rejoice that God is helping me to be successful where I've been having a struggle. This has been one of the things I pray about most.

There is a lot that has to happen right in order to obtain a clean home. You have put your claim on the time and make wise use of it for cleaning ever to take place. I seem to be getting on the war path with things that waste time. You have to decide on the things you want to focus on and choose strategies that will accomplish your priorities. Cleaning and organizing are really skills. I think it's really cool to put these neat skills into practice. I like accepting the challenge of accomplishing chores worthwhile for a clean home, rather than having nothing to show for my time. It makes me enthusiastic to jump in there and get things clean. Thank you God for helping me so much in my attitude and ability to to keep a clean home.

1 comment:

  1. A clean house always makes me feel happier :o) Before I got married I never had a clean room, but now I take pride in what God has blessed me with so I keep things tidy. I like organizing too. I just need more bins, but haven't wanted to spend the money on a ton of them yet.

    I'm glad you were able to tidy up your apartment and feel good afterwards!
