Thursday, July 23, 2009

Springing Into Action

I'm in a good decluttering-organizing-cleaning mode. I'm pretty happy with what I've gotten done today but there's still plenty to be done. At least the more I get done the better I feel about it and I'm even getting kind of excited about it. I want to get it to where I'll be able to whizz through and clean without so much decluttering. Often decluttering involves a lot of deciding what to do with your stuff, which my brain cells can be very hesitant to do, even though I'm a smart person. I'm glad I sprung into action today and it makes a difference. I took lots of breaks because my stamina isn't that great. During my breaks I played Parcheesi on the computer, which I love. I didn't get on the internet though, because it always seems like there's always something else I want to see on the internet which can keep me from getting things done.

I discovered a really great way to wash shower curtains. Take the shower curtain outside and lie the curtain on it's unprinted side or on it's dirtiest side. If someone can assist you with this folding of the shower curtain (described next), it will be a lot easier and quicker. Turn down the top third of the shower curtain, then fold the the top fold of the shower curtain to the bottom of the shower curtain (kind of like you would fold a letter to go into an envelope). This exposes the dirtiest part of the shower curtain and protects the printed side. It also makes it fit into the washer really well. Before putting the shower curtain in the washer, add about 1 cup of white vinegar and and let the water agitate to disperse the vinegar. Put shower curtain in the washer. Let it agitate for about five minutes, then soak for about 2 hours. Then let agitate some more and finish washing cycle. My shower curtain got really clean.

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