Saturday, November 7, 2009


The pretty grey tabby cat looked about half grown and it's sweet lengthy meows were often. The cat tried its best to block me from walking past it. I'm allergic to cats and the allergy causes wheezing. I prayed for the cat to find someone who would adopt it and give it a nice home. Soon a guy who lives in the same apartments as I do adopted the cat and unsuccessfully tried to let it be an apartment cat, then just kept the cat outside.

A few days ago he told me he would be out of town for a few days and arranged to leave the cat food in the laundry room. The cat always seemed to be meowing for food and would eat as often as four times a day. The cat's owner who was out of town, still wasn't back in town several days after I though he would be back, and I knew he had only planned on being in our town on a short term basis for a temporary job anyway. I purchased some more cat food. I enjoyed making sure the cat was well fed and talking to the cat.

Thursday morning when I wanted to feed the cat a big yellow and white cat kept lingering at the apartments. I talked to my mom about this she suggested getting the cats taken to the animal shelter, since I'm allergic to cats and was recently hospitalized due to a lung condition. The animal shelter men picked up the grey cat but the yellow and white cat ran away.

Later in the day I saw the guy who had adopted the cat and he said "I've been back in town for a few days." I told him what happened and he said he would pay for the cat to be spayed and for her shots if someone wanted to adopt her (he had also told me this before going out of town). I couldn't get a call through to the animal shelter today but I'm going to try to call again Monday and I hope and pray the grey cat will be adopted from the shelter.

The big yellow and white cat is still hanging out at the apartments a lot and this evening was rubbing against my legs when I was taking clothes out of the drier. My mom says the yellow and white cat looks like it has a home (which it looked like it was running for when it escaped from the animal shelter men) but she thinks it's here a lot because the grey cat was about to go into heat.

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