Monday, September 26, 2011

Do It As Unto the Lord

I invited my sister Jill over for lunch today. It made my day that she came to eat lunch with me. We just had vegetables: squash, roasted green beans, steamed kale, corn on the cob and sliced fresh tomatoes. Squash cooked whole in the microwave then cut up and topped with a little onion powder and butter is unbelievably good. For dessert we had Greek yogurt with honey with slices of frozen banana. You should try this because it tastes like a nice gooey dessert --so good! While I was preparing the meal I was thinking about how the Bible tells us to do everything unto the Lord. This led to the sweetest thoughts about preparing a meal for Jesus. What a wonderful thing to think on whenever cooking a meal for anyone. I really hope I can begin showing more Christian hospitality.

I've started memorizing Scripture again which has re-awakened my love for it. God's Word is invaluable and so rich in beauty and encouragement. I don't see how people can choose not to read the Bible. Maybe they need someone like you to tell them wonderful things about God's Word. I'm memorizing a long passage from 2 Peter Chapter One beginning with verse three. Verse three says we are called "to glory and virtue" I did not even know that this was in the Bible and it is so exciting to find it! I told my sister about this and recited 2 Peter 1:3-4 for her. We had a great conversation about it.

Jill: "What do you think virtue means?"

Me: "I think it's all the great things about being a Christian."

Jill: "That is a beautiful definition."

I told Jill I remembered her son memorizing this Scripture when he was younger:

2 Peter 1:5 And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; 6 And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; 7 And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity. KJV

He's a senior in college and has done wonderfully. I said I bet this scripture has something to do with it!

I've been convalescing nicely lately. I'm wearing oxygen almost all of the time. I'm not walking for very many blocks but I'm building up gradually. Saturday I took a walk and didn't have to make any rest stops. I was thinking --wow,this is a lot of walking. I've started an exercise routine besides walking and it makes me feel great. I need those endorphins exercise gives me, which makes me feel great. The endorphins plus getting my heart beating faster help me feel like doing the things I need to do. Getting things done is a major plus and is great for my mood.

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